I travel to experience life not as I know it, but to connect to it, as it exists, untouched in a place that is new to me.
I travel the world to meet people, see places, watch, listen & learn, write, take pictures & share.
My dream is that you see and image here that sparks a dream for you.
If you would like to put that dream on a wall in your home, please visit my print gallery here.
If you are interested in turning your dream into reality, my company dream merchants can help, here.
Questions & Comments, Text me directly at:
+1 623.800.3649
Email Address, WhatsApp options are available at: GeneTaylor.Me

People To People
At the heart of my photography and story telling is my belief that the most profound travel experiences in life are born in the relationships we create with the people we meet along the way.
It's easy to find comfort in a personal bubble. Closed off, the vacuum of a dark space offers a brief respite from life's constant change. Stay to long and that dark space becomes a black hole.
For me, one small beam of light shattered that darkness and opened new horizons beyond what my mind's eye could imagine. It is that same light that finds its way in to my camera lens. I use to see, experience and capture life as it reflects off the people and places I photograph. My intention is to put forth expressive images that tells a story as it unfolds. My goal is that they should be candid, mindful and purposeful.
My landscapes and street images are rooted in human activity. My wildlife images are usually taken with others involved, be they travel guests, guides, drivers, hosts or fellow photographers. My favorite captures are candid images of people as they travel their own life-journey. They are usually the most fascinating and interesting.
As we visually travel through the world together, my hope is that you will find inspiration in my art and use it to adventure beyond the vacuum and create new relationships in your life.

My Story. I have...
...Been to Nelsen Mandela's house.
...Walked in the footsteps of hominids (pre-humans) in Tanzania.
...Captured more than 320,000 images in 30 countries.
...Have seen the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in Alaska, Canada, and Iceland.
...Led walks on The Great Wall of China, twice. Trekked in Shangri La, Yunan Province, China.
​...Sailed The Greek Isles three times.
...Traveled the entire perimeter of Ireland & Iceland, twice.
...Trekked the Inca Trail, San Jan Gorge, Grand Canyon, High Atlas Mountains, and Path of The Gods.
...Hot air ballooned over the Serengeti's Great Migration and Sonoran Desert (twice).
...Seen penguins in Tasmania, Galapagos Islands & South Africa.
...Slept in a tent surrounded by hippos. Took a hot shower on Mt. Kilimanjaro.
...Walked along side a live Black Rhino.
...Led hikes for autistic students on Mt. Kilimanjaro and to Japan and Grand Canyon.
...Eaten rotted shark, guinea pig, Norwegian fish paste, Icelandic horse, zebra, eland, gazelle, wildebeest, Cape buffalo, impala, goat, crocodile, ostrich, bison, calves brain, countless mystery meats, and chicken.
...Flown to a hiking destination by helicopter more than 60 times.
...Trekked with chimpanzees in Greystoke Mahale, Tanzania, twice.
...Trekked with chimpanzees and Gorillas in Uganda, twice.
...Safaried by elephant back for tigers in India.
...Saw a live bull-fight in the real Shangri La. (No harm to any animal)
...Hiked four live volcanoes and four glaciers on four continents.
...Dogsleded while on an arctic polar bear safari.
...Spotted a rare blue whale in the Pacific.
...Watched a migration of millions of cormorants' land on an uncharted island in Nambia.
...Hiked the dunes of the Sahara, Namib, Kalahari, Sonoran, and Mohave deserts.
...Hiked Morocco's Mt. Toubkal, South Africa's Table Mountain, Mexico's Sierra de la Laguna, Costa Rica's Rincon de la Vieja, and Japan's Mt. Fuji, Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania - Twice.